Posts Tagged ‘books’

Event sourcing and CQRS

As part of the #2018TechReadingChallenge, I’ve been working my way through Microservices Patterns, by Chris Richardson (currently a Manning MEAP).

Event sourcing and CQRS are two key architecture concepts in the book that have less to do with the “micro” in “microservices,” and more to do with software architecture in general. While they are often mentioned together, they are separate concepts, and solve slightly different problems.

Event sourcing fits in the general category of an append only model, which is a way of persisting the data in your application. Instead of storing the current state, it stores history that led up to the present. It stores these using events, which are immutable, and represent business intent. Events record a thing that has happened.

A related concept in domain driven design is an aggregate, which rebuilds state by querying the event history.

CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. This relates to an OO principle, command query separation, which classifies methods into “commands,” which mutate the data (but does not return data), and “queries,” which return data only. In CQRS, we extend this principle to the design of a subdomain, and separate the responsibility of writing the data from reading the data. The two sides often communicate using events.

It solves a “stale data” problem in a collaborative domain. A collaborative domain is a business domain where multiple users are working together on a set of data, and expect that data to be coherent. The data is only as stale as the lag between the command side and the query side. However, by separating these sides and putting a visible part of the architecture between them, we have raised awareness that there will always be stale data in a collaborative system.

Another advantage to CQRS is that the read side and the command side can be scaled independently, so for example, if the number of queries is vastly greater than the commands, you can add more nodes that handle the queries.

For more on these concepts, see the CQRS Journey page on Microsoft, specifically the Exploring CQRS and Event Sourcing e-book. I’m also drawing from Patterns for Building Distributed Systems for The Enterprise, by Michael Perry on Pluralsight.

2018 Tech Reading Challenge

Many of us are challenging ourselves to grow in the new year. One area of growth I strive for is in my career as a software developer. To that end, I’m sharing my 2018 reading challenge. I hope you will find it stretches your technical ability.

How it works

  • Choose a reading goal early in the year and set your pace accordingly.
    • The beginner reading challenge is 1 book a quarter.
    • The advanced reading challenge is 1 book a month with 2 months off.
  • Choose the books and read them in any order, checking them off as you complete them.
  • Post about your progress on Twitter using the hashtag #2018TechReadingChallenge. (Cross-post on Slack too)


  • Define your definition of “read,” since some technical books are pretty dry if you try to read them from cover to cover.
  • Ignore the categories and use #2018TechReadingChallenge about any software development book you read this year.

2018 Reading challenge (beginner—4 books)

  • A book about unit testing
  • A book about a framework, tool, or language
  • A book recommended by a coworker
  • A book published in 2018

2018 Reading challenge (advanced—10 books)

  • All the books in the beginner list plus:
  • A book about leadership
  • A book about an abstract concept
  • A book about software architecture
  • A book about agile
  • A book from the 80s
  • A book with an animal on the cover