Posts Tagged ‘web hosting’

Yet more website tweaks

Improve server response time

In my original post about hosting my own blog, I mentioned that Google PageSpeed Insights was complaining about server response time. After some research, I realized that my home page was quite large. It was over 1 MB, mainly because of a particular post which contained some large images. (I was complaining about the way graphics are configured on Windows, and included some large screenshots.) The fix was two parts. First, I cropped two of the screenshots to bring the size down a bit more. Second, I added the “More” tag, which makes users click a “Continue reading” link from the home page if they want to see the whole post.

If you want to measure the page load size on your own blog, clear your browser cache, then open up developer tools. Reload the page. On the “Network” tab (“Net” in Firebug), there is a summary of the number of HTTP requests, the amount of data downloaded, and the time it took.

Add LaTeX and YouTube to WordPress

Recently I found another post that needed some special care. In 2012 I posted about my computer animation project and included a YouTube video and some math equations. These used features unique to by simply pasting the link, it will embed a YouTube video, and by using a special tag, you can include math equations using the popular typesetting language LaTeX. One way to bring these into my blog would be to use’s plugin Jetpack. Jetpack brings a lot of features to, but I didn’t want all of them. Instead, I opted for two small plugins, WP-Latex and YouTube Embed Plus.

For people setting up their own blog, I’d recommend either Jetpack or a combination of smaller plugins to enable these features.

Add tracking code to static content

By using a combination of WordPress, Piwik, and the WP-Piwik plugin, I’m able to track analytics on all the pages of my blog. However, my site is more than my blog, and I wanted to track visits to my static pages, namely my portfolio and my Post Voting app. One idea is to paste in the tracking code and just have it be versioned like my other static content. I see two downsides to this:

  1. The tracking code could change, and then I’d be updating it across all the pages, polluting the version history and causing a mess of confusion.
  2. The tracker would track my own visits that happen as I do web development on the various pages.

The solution is to use Server Side Includes to include the tracking code. This addresses the two concerns above:

  1. The tracking code is stored as a separate file, so it can be versioned independently.
  2. The include can be conditional on whether this is a development or production server.

As a further feature, I wanted the tracking code source file to be hidden from anybody that tries to access it directly. (Not really essential, but it helps me learn about configuring .htaccess)

Running into snags

I ran into two snags that helped me learn a lot more than I had originally intended. First, while trying to get the syntax of the conditional include right, I was reading the Apache documentation. However, I failed to realize that my development machine had Apache 2.2, and my web host has Apache 2.4. I was reading the documentation for Apache 2.4 ap_expr syntax. I was stumped as to why the code worked on my web host, but gave an Invalid expression error on my development machine. The solution was to create a new virtual machine using the same version of Apache as my web host. The lesson learned was to ensure that development and production environments are as close in configuration as possible.

The second snag happened when I restricted access to my tracking code piwik.html using .htaccess. I realized that this also restricted mod_include from including it! The solution came from reading the Apache 2.4 documentation for mod_rewrite. The NS flag prevents a rule from applying to an internal subrequest.

The solution

In portfolio and postvoting folders, I renamed index.html to index.shtml. The include source code which follows was added to each page:

<!--#if expr="%{SERVER_NAME} == ''" -->
<!--#include virtual="piwik.html" -->
<!--#endif -->

You can view the current version of the Piwik tracking code on github.

The .htaccess file has the following line added to it:

RewriteRule ^/?piwik.html$ - [F,L,NS]

That’s all there is to it. Just use the static deploy method and your site will be updated.

Website maintenance and tweaks

Keeping WordPress up to date

I originally installed WordPress using Subversion. This provides a really easy way for me to update WordPress:

svn switch

Replace 3.4.1 with the latest version number. Then I visit the admin panel of the blog and it will redirects me to perform any necessary database upgrades.

Use .htaccess to prevent access to the .svn directory:

# Prevent access to .svn directory
# From
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*/)?\.svn/ - [F,L]
ErrorDocument 403 "Access Forbidden"


I’ve learned that content can be categorized into static content and dynamic content. There is an Apache module, mod_deflate, that can compress both types of content seamlessly. It only requires a configuration change in .htaccess, and no changes will need to be made to the application. However, it is inefficient because it recompresses the same content every time someone requests it. For this reason, my web host does not support mod_deflate. Instead, they recommend different tactics for each type of content.

On my blog, an example of dynamic content is the home page, This test or this test can test whether the home page is compressed. At time of writing, I have not found a good way to compress dynamic content.

On my blog, there are several static content files that are typically requested. For example, the CSS and JS files that WordPress includes in every page. Google Page Speed Insights is the a tool that tests compression of every resource needed for loading my blog’s home page, both the dynamic and static pages. I’m looking for a reliable way to compress the static content files that Google Page Speed Insights finds.

Deploying static content

I now have two sections of static content on my website, my Post Voting App and my Portfolio. I’ve adopted a simple solution to keep these sections up to date. Each section is maintained in a github repository. I have a matching repository on my own computer where I make changes, commit, and then push to the github repository. Then, to update the content on my website, I SSH to the host, cd to the directory, and do a git pull.

I reuse the .htaccess code above in order to prevent access to the .git subdirectory. See the .htaccess file for an example.


I created two scripts to backup the files and the database in my NearlyFreeSpeech site. The scripts aren’t fancy, they just contain one command each.

For the database, I created a non-privileged backup user who has permissions necessary to do a mysqldump on all the tables in my database. Here’s the gist of it. (It should be all one line. Lines wrapped for display purposes.)

ssh user@host mysqldump --user=nonprivilegeduser 
    --password=password --host=mysql_host 
    --all-databases | gzip > backup-file-name-$(date +%Y%m%d).sql.gz

Just change the underlined parts. The $(date) thing creates a filename like this:


For the files, I use rsync with the options -aAXE --delete.

Moving a WordPress blog to Nearly Free Speech

Up till recently, this blog has lived on Now I’ve moved it to, where I have control over more of the configuration. I’ve had some experience with WordPress before, but I wanted to update my knowledge. Also, with all this recent talk about privacy on the web, I wanted to set up my own server and see how I could eavesdrop on my visitors learn about it.

For my non-tech friends, here is some quick background. WordPress is two things. It is a blogging software, which anyone can install on a web server that they control. It is also a company who has installed this blogging software on They control it, but they give it away as a free service (and also have a paid service for those who want more advanced features.) I’ve chosen to move from the free service to the service that I can control. Now I pay some money to host my blog on their site, but again, it gives me more control over the configuration, and more opportunities to learn.

Things I learned

  • How to list all the tags in Subversion. (I used this to make sure I was downloading the most recent version of WordPress.)
  • An SQL process can have multiple databases in it.
  • WordPress can use a single database to host multiple sites by using a table prefix.
  • In the world of web servers, file permissions matter. For most of my life up till now, I’ve been working on single user systems. Therefore I have not needed to worry about the group and other sections of the unix permission modes.
  • The ability to export and import a blog from to self-hosted WordPress is pretty cool.
  • How to install a WordPress plugin manually. The fastest way is to SSH into the host and wget the zip file. Then unzip it there.
  • My hosted site does not utilize HTTPS right now. Therefore several passwords that I use to administer WordPress are transmitted in the clear. Say hello to my government surveillance friends, and hackers too? Hopefully not.
  • Piwik is a really cool way to do web analytics. There’s two pieces.
    • One is the Piwik tracking Javascript, which is added to all pages on my website. This can be done by the WP-Piwik plugin.
    • The other is the Piwik web server, which handles the requests from the tracking Javascript and then stores the information in the database. It also provides a Dashboard for admins who log in to view the analytics data.
    • Also, Piwik can anonymize part of visitors’ IP addresses to reduce the amount of personal information that is collected.
    • Google Analytics provides a free (as in price) service, but my analytics data is being aggregated with the analytics of a lot of other website, thus contributing to Google’s database. They use this for marketing, which I view as a form of corporate surveillance.
  • WordPress by default does not generate valid HTML. I fixed it on my site by modifying functions.php. See WordPress category tag validation error fix for more information.
  • I installed the Use Google Libraries plugin to change the jQuery to use Google hosting. This has a small speed benefit for users.

Still to learn

  • How to get Apache to do what I want. I really want a good rating in Google Page Speed. Two sticking points right now are leveraging browser caching and enabling gzip compression. There are WordPress plugins that will manage my .htaccess for me, but I think it would serve me well (pun intended) to learn how to configure it myself. Another tool for testing blogs is
  • It would be cool to set up a staging environment, where I can work on plugins and WordPress tweaks without worrying about disabling my production website.
  • It would be nice to have blog posts and pages stored as files instead of in a database. That way I could put them under version control.
  • Either WordPress or my web host has poor performance, because I’m getting the “Reduce server response time” suggestion pretty consistently from Google Page Speed. I know a static site would help immensely in this area, but at the cost of some convenience of administration.
  • Even cooler would be to tie the version control and the staging environment together. When I am happy with the way my blog looks in the staging environment, I can commit the changes, then push (deploy) them to the production blog.
  • My host supports some sort of HTTPS/SSL. I’d like to learn more about this and then consider asking them to enable it.
  • Another suggestion from Google Page Speed is “Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content.” To fix this will require diving into WordPress themes, which I am not looking forward to.
  • There are more recently popular blogging frameworks, such as Jekyll or Octopress.